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This book contains 42 words for nasty people in Irish
collected by Manchán Magan and selected for this book
and 42 drawings by Antic-Ham.
Digital printing
Hard cover - Hand bound with thread binding
14x28 cm - 44 pages
200 numbered copies/5th edition
December 2020
32 euros
For Ireland and Europe
For the Rest of the World
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A short story by Elise Schmit, a writer from Luxembourg and illustrations by Antic-Ham
"I wrote 'Blue like a tangerine' for a friend who can't read my stories in German.
I ended up writing a story about why and how I write,
a manifesto almost - about the role of poetry, about love and loss."
- Elise Schmit.
Laser printing - Hand bound with thread
15x24 cm - 24 pages
150 numbered copies
April 2021
24 euros

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Text by Anne-Marie Reuter, a writer from Luxembourg and artworks by Antic-Ham
Laser printing - Hand bound with thread
14x18 cm - 24 pages
150 numbered copies
January 2021
24 euros

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Manchán Magan embarked upon a journey along the coast roads of Mayo, Donegal,
Sligo and Galway, seeking out forgotten sea words, maritime terms and coastal customs.
This book contains 38 sea words in Irish he selected
and drawings, collages and photographs by Antic-Ham.
laser printed and hand bound
2020, 150 copies
44 pages, 14x18cm

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"Covid-19 doodling & Covid-19 diary"
Drawings and visual diaries during the lockdown in Ireland, March - August 2020 as Covid-19 pandemic.
laser printed and hand bound as two books in one
2020, 69 copies
48 pages, 14x18cm

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"My Days with People on Achill Island"
"My Days with People on Achill Island"
selection of story about people on Achill island from picture diary 2014-2020
2020, 169 copies
72 pages, 20x14.5cm
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"A good day to dance"
"A good day to dance"
inkjet printed on old vintage accounting book pages
2019, 69 copies
23 drawings, 15x 18cm
30 euro
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"3 nights and 4 days in the train"
"3 nights and 4 days in the train"
Travel journal from 3 nights and 4 days in the Amtrk train from L.A. to Washington D.C.
2019, 69 copies
48 pages, 12x 20cm
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"Rainbow umbrella occasionally"
"Rainbow umbrella occasionally"
daily drawings with short stories
2018, 69 copies
48 pages, 19x 27cm
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"Achill sheep story"
"Achill sheep story"
selection of story about sheep in Achill island from picture diary 2014-2017
2017, 69 copies
28 pages, 18x 13cm
18 euro
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"my adorable neighbours"
"My adorable neighbours"
36 illustrations and texts about him and her
2017, inkjet printing, 69 copies
14.5x 20cm
22 euro
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"I prefer"
"I prefer"
drawings and stories about what you prefer
2015, laser printing on tracing papers, 69 copies
24 drawings, 14.5x 20cm
22 euro
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"picture diary in achill island"
"picture diary in achill island"
Antic-Ham doing picture diary every day since 2013
The book contains selection of drawings from Achill island, April-June 2013
2014, laser printing, 169 copies
48 pages, 14x 19.5cm
35 euro
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"books and myself"
"books and myself"
selection of story about books from picture diary 2014-2016
2016, laser printing, 69 copies
48 pages, 14.5x 20cm
18 euro
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"kitchen gossip"
"kitchen gossip"
drawings and collages with small story from my kitchen
2017, 69 copies
24 pages, 13x 15cm
15 euro
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"picture diary in Venice"
"picture diary in venice"
picture diary in Venice during a stay at the Emily Harvey Foundation for 3 weeks
2015, laser printing, 69 copies, 24 pages, 14.5x 20cm
15 euro
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"too beautiful for me"
"too beautiful for me"
21 illustrations and texts
about him and her
2015, inkjet printing, 69 copies, 44 pages, 14.5x 20cm
20 euro
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"today, it's red"
Photographs taken by Franticham in Brooklyn, New York in October 2014
with SLR680 Polaroid cameras,
and using 600 film from the Impossible Project.
40 pages, 13 x 14 cm, ring binding
Laser printing on superfine 118 gr. Mohawk.
Limited signed edition of 169 copies.
20 Euros
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"summer is coming"
summer is coming
collages and drawings from spring,2012 in Ireland
2012,169 copies
11 x 18 cm 24 pages
12 euro
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"polpo's kitchen"
polpo's kitchen
Accordion book - 3 colours screen printing
drawings from polpo(octopus) and objects from the kitchen
2013, screen printing, 169 copies
8 x 10 cm (open length 57.6 cm)
10 euro
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"the black skirts"
"the black skirts"
drawings from Antic-Ham's skirts..
'the black skirts' is the name of the one man band from cho hyu ill. I drew my skirts with his songs during the summer 2011. I don't have any black skirts but I could draw them all in black. There are memories, the past and his heart in songs.
2011, inkjet printing, 69 copies
11x 13.5cm
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"self portrait with A"
10 original lino cut printings on the sugar papers.
2010, lino cut printing, 69 copies
15x 21 cm
40 euro
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collaboration with Fritz Sauter from Switzerland. collages, stamping and drawings..
2010, inkjet printing, 69 copies
12x 17 cm
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"paris' shoes"
drawings of shoes from visitors at the 'Marché de la Poésie'
at St.Sulpice, Paris
2010, silk screen printed in 69 copies
10 x 16 cm
85 euro
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"New Yorker"
Photographs taken in the streets of Soho, Chelsea and Queens in New York
Drwaings of visitors at The New York Art Book Fair at PS1 MoMA
2009, 44 pages, 169 copies
Inkjet, 10.5 x 15 cm
18 euro
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"With my left hand"
Drawings and writings made with my left hand while travelling
2009, 16 pages, 169 copies
Inkjet, 14,5 x 20 cm
10 euro
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12 silkscreen prints with added colouring from drawings of flowers.
Printed on vintage tracing paper and hand painted wall paper
2009, 69 copies
17 x 23 cm
60 euro
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"11 small antiques / april 2009"
Accordeon book with 11 drawings from antiques I bought
Silk screen printing
2009, 69 copies
10 x 15 cm
35 euro
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"Daily Words"
Everyday a word... Collages, drawings and texts to each word
inkjet printed
2008, 50 pages, 69 copies, 15 x 21 cm
35 euro
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"My little Sister"
drawings and collages of my sister and her world,
inkjet printed on tracing paper
2007, 16 drawings, 69 copies, 12 x 18 cm
30 euro

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"Traces in London & Paris, 2004"
2007, 169 copies, 21.5 x 14.5 cm
8 euro
Collages and drawings from travels in London and Paris 2004

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2007, 169 copies , 15 x10.5 cm
15 euro
Drawings of fish

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"Summer Story in Achill Island"
2007, 10.5 x 17.5 cm
35 euro
drawing and collage diary, august 2006 - in Achill Island, IreIand.

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"Picture diary"
2006, 13 x 20 cm
35 euro
From October till December 2005 Antic-ham traveled in London, Oxford and Paris. This book is a picture diary of writings and drawings during that time.

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2007, 69 copies, 23.5 x 19 cm
40 euro
Nude drawings with collage of news papers.
Silkscreen printed on cattle feed sacks by antic-ham

